Tag Archives: canfield

The 30 Day rule for Affirmations

I was listening to a presentation by Jack Canfield today about the 30 day rule for affirmations.  According to Jack , it takes 30 days to rewire our brains into new habits. This concept is based on some NASA research with astronauts and how their brains were able to adapt to wearing convex goggles that turned their vision of the world upside down. After 30 days, they all could see the world right side up, as their brains had created enough new circuitry to flip around their vision to right side up.

Jack then extrapolates from this to say that if you affirm something (or envision it) for at least 30 days, that greatly increases the probability of it happening.

Given my predilection for seeing how AER (Awareness Expression Resolution) can be applied to so many circumstances, I naturally saw the possibility of improving one’s odds with the 30 day rule. All one has to do is pay attention to what surfaces when one makes an affirmation or envisions some goal. By “what”, I mean pay attention to to any thoughts, feelings or body sensations which arise. If these are in any way unsupportive of the vision/affirmation, then there is likely to be some emotional charge that will get in the way. If that happens to me, I “whip out” AER and dissolve that charge in a few minutes.

So, if you’ve been trying to use Jack’s 30 day rule and have found it not so easy to get what you want, then pay attention to the internal responses you are generating and release them using AER or something similar.

Copyright 2009 Robert S. Vibert, all rights reserved

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