A Breath of Fresh AER

One of the conditions which so many people suffer from is emotional trauma and yet, this is also the condition which has been most in need of effective methods to resolve and release it. According to some research, it is possible that almost every one of us suffers some degree of emotional trauma during a point in our lives, and if we are exposed to repeated trauma, the effects are cumulative. What is needed is a way to take us from traumatized states to healthy ones, without costing a fortune or requiring many years of effort.

For more than twenty years, I carried around the weight of loss from the death of my father when I was barely out of my teens. Like most people, I created for myself a series of coping mechanisms to avoid touching the pain I held inside. In fact, although I did not consciously think about it, my coping mechanisms were designed to keep me safe from the grief, the anger, the sadness, etc. that had lodged in me the day I was told of his death. These feelings had never been fully felt since that day. I was walking in the middle of a crowd of thousands when someone who knew me approached and expressed their condolences. I was baffled – what were they talking about? In a moment, they blurted out that  my father had died while traveling. There I was, in the middle of so many people, and like others who find themselves in similar situations, not feeling comfortable to express openly all the emotions which surfaced. I stuffed the feelings inside that day and it was only 20 years later that I finally felt it was safe to really feel them.

My story is like that of many – we experience a traumatic shock to our system and instead of allowing the feelings to flow through us, we bottle them up. In the end, it does not matter why we bottle them, the fact that they are stuck inside us is what really needs to be addressed. Searching for the “why” is really a distraction from releasing those feelings.

Feelings need to flow

Research by people like Dr. Peter Levine, Dr. Robert Scaer and Dr. David Berceli into how humans experience and then store trauma in our brains and bodies confirms what I had noticed in my own journey of healing and then helping others: feelings are supposed to flow through and out of us, just like they do for animals.

Unfortunately, our evolutionary path has provided us with a double- edged sword – the prefrontal cortex. This part of our brain is excellent for analysis and figuring things out. It is also a serious impediment to letting go of trauma, as it constantly ruminates over traumatic events, keeping the trauma alive inside us.

As a result of personal experimentation and systematic analysis of all the healing modalities that I was exposed to, I came to a simple but important conclusion: if we don’t release our stored feelings, we will always carry
with us the pain of the past.

Pain, Pain Go Away, Come Again Another Day

The most common human response to an exposure to pain, especially trauma-related pain, is to move ourselves away from it. We use distractions such as TV, movies, sports, etc.  or medications to numb ourselves (alcohol, drugs, ice cream, chocolate, etc.).   We take trips, we engage in intense activities and endeavors, and we generally do whatever we can dream up to avoid feeling the pain.

While these are natural responses to pain, they are also counter-productive. The pain does not go away  – it is merely masked or ignored momentarily. The neural circuits in our brains which store the thoughts, the sounds, the images and most importantly the emotions/feelings related to a traumatic incident are all fully charged and ready to pop into our consciousness in a flash, triggered by something that reminds us of the incident.

My research and work with many people has shown that to release a stored emotional charge (activated neural circuits) one has to feel the emotion. Resisting it only keeps it present. Avoiding it only delays the inevitable. Feeling the feeling, and allowing it to flow through and out of us is what we were designed to do.

Ah, that sounds pretty simple, right? Just let go of the pain. Actually, it is that simple – but the fly in the ointment is your thinking brain. Emotions are not stored in the thinking parts of your brain, so just thinking about something traumatic is not enough to release it. If it was, people would go to see a talk therapist, tell their story once, and the trauma would be gone. This has not been the case, as countless people who have been in therapy for years can attest. Talking about trauma does bring some relief, but rarely, if ever, provides a release from it.

Three Steps to Success

The approach that I take with people is to facilitate this natural releasing process using three steps. The first is Awareness. We must be aware of the issue that we are experiencing, in particular the feelings that come up around an incident.

The second step is Expression, in which we briefly express what we are feeling. This expression can be as short as a single sentence such as “I feel anger” or a little longer if we want to be more specific. The key here is that we are honestly acknowledging the feeling, not engaging in a long talk about it – that would shift us into the thinking parts of our brain, and away from feeling.

The third step is Resolution and we get there by Releasing the stored feeling, allowing it to be as it is in the moment, and then allowing it to flow naturally out of us. I have borrowed from several traditional systems and modern healing techniques to come up with an efficient method to facilitate this natural releasing process. I call this method AER – Awareness Expression Resolution.

The word Resolution is important, as there are many systems which will enable a partial release of stored feeling, but essentially leave the neural circuits charged enough to be re- activated. With AER, our goal is to allow all the stored feeling(s) around an incident to flow out. The majority of people are able to release all of a feeling around an incident in less than 1 hour (often in minutes) , and once the feeling is fully released, it does not return to their system. The feeling flows out of them and they are free of it. As it is common for multiple feelings to exist in relation to an incident, each of these feelings in turn is released until the incident itself is only a flat, emotionless memory.

Practical and Inexpensive

One of the design principles that I kept in mind as I developed AER was that it should be something that anyone can learn in about 30 minutes and that should be available in an economical form. To that end, I have
created guided AER sessions for some commonly stored feelings that can be downloaded and followed. Each session takes 1 hour to complete and can be used as many times as desired. You can release sadness, for example, from as many incidents as you can recall using the same recording for each incident.

One of the tricky things I have found doing this work is that most people cannot believe that it is possible to actually release some strong emotion that they have been carrying around for years. And, truth be told, until I experienced it for myself, I would not have believed it either. Words alone are not enough here – one must actually have the experience of releasing to relate to it. And, once one has released one bothersome feeling, the door has opened to release any others that no longer serve you.

Copyright 2010 Robert S. Vibert, all rights reserved

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